RealtyTrac: United States Real Estate Data

UID: 10182

This is a composite set of RealtyTrac data on property sales that have occurred in the United States between the years 2005 and 2016. The main data is composed of RealtyTrac's Tax Assessor Database. The data include information on property characteristics, location, ownership, and use. The Data Dictionary and Data Coverage Guide provide detailed information on variables available and geographic coverage, and they can be found in the NYU Bobst Library Guides.

The data is split into four subsets. Individual properties may be listed in multiple files. The subsets are:

  • The first contains information on property in the United States that has had at least one foreclosure transaction between 2005 and 2016.
  • The second contains information on property in the United States that has had at least one foreclose transaction and one ownership-changing transaction between 2005 and 2016.
  • The third contains information on properties that have had at least one foreclosure transaction and one loan change, such as refinances, equity lines, or equity loans, between 2005 and 2016.
  • The fourth is the master file of all real estate transactions that have taken place between 2005 and 2016.
2005 - 2016
Geographic Coverage
Subject Domain


Data is available only to NYU employees. To access RealtyTrac data, first Contact Data Services at Bobst Library. You will then need to agree to the Terms of Use. Then, you will need to log onto Bobst Library's Faculty Digital Archive. At this point, you will have to wait for further instruction from the Bobst Library's Data Services.
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Interpretation Guide

Data Dictionary, Data Coverage Guide, and Further Information