United Network for Organ Sharing Registry

UID: 10361

The United Network for Organ Sharing developed and maintains an online database system, called UNet, for the collection, storage, analysis and publication of all Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) data pertaining to the patient waiting list, organ matching, and transplants. The system contains data regarding every organ donation and transplant event occurring in the United States since October 1987.

Data can be accessed in multiple ways:

  • Data can be requested as STAR (Standard Transplant Analysis and Research) files on DVD’s with de-identified patient- level information
  • National, regional, state, center, and annual data reports
  • An online advanced report builder

1988 - Present
Geographic Coverage
United States
Subject Domain


Application Required
Access to Data can be requested through UNOS or aggregate data can be queries through the online advanced report builder.
Access via UNOS

Data Request Form

Access via UNOS

Advanced Report Building

Access via UNOS

National, regional, state, center, and annual data reports

Data Type
PubMed Search
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Data Collection Forms

Forms from data collection on topics, including histocompatibility, post-transplant malignancy, transplant recipient follow-ups, transplant recipient registrations, transplant candidate registrations, living donors, and deceased donors