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  • New York City Health and Nutrition Examination Study

    Alternate Title(s)

    The NYC Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NYC HANES), modeled on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), is a population-based, cross-sectional study with data colleced from physical examinations, clinical and laboratory tests, as well as face-to-face interviews and audio computer-assisted self-interviews (ACASI). It was first conducted in 2004 by the NYC Department...

    Health Status
    Access Rights
    Free to All
  • New York City Community Health Survey

    Alternate Title(s)

    The New York City Community Health Survey (CHS) is a telephone survey conducted annually by the DOHMH, Division of Epidemiology, Bureau of Epidemiology Services. CHS provides robust data on the health of New Yorkers, including neighborhood, borough, and citywide estimates on a broad range of chronic diseases and behavioral risk factors.

    Chronic Disease
    Risk Factors
    Access Rights
    Free to All
  • World Trade Center (WTC) Health Registry


    The WTC Health Registry is an epidemiological cohort study created as a public health response to 9/11. The Registy includes a confidential baseline health survey in 2003 or 2004. The Registry completed a follow-up survey of adults in 2007 and children in 2008. In 2011, it launched its third survey for adults, adolescents and parents of adolescents. Each participant answered a series of questions about...

    Population Characteristics
    Access Rights
    Application Required
  • NYC Youth Risk Behavior Survey

    Alternate Title(s)

    The surveys' primary purpose is to monitor priority health risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of mortality, morbidity, and social problems among youth in New York City. Students complete a self-administered, anonymous questionnaire that measures a variety of behaviors, including tobacco, alcohol and drug use, unintentional injury and violence, sexual behaviors, dietary behaviors,...

    Risk Factors
    Access Rights
    Free to All
  • New York City Clinical Data Research Network

    Alternate Title(s)

    The New York City Clinical Data Research Network (NYC-CDRN) is a project founded by the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and is part of the PCORnet program. The NYC-CDRN longitudinal datasets bring together NYC organizations including medical schools, medical centers, research support organizations, and practice-based research networks. The NYC-CDRN datasets include longitudinally...

    Delivery of Health Care
    Access Rights
    Application Required
  • ReferenceUSA Historical Business Data: New York City Area


    The dataset includes the names, employee sizes, asset sizes, business credit score, owner information, and address of all business in New York City, from 2010 to 2014. Census tract information as well as latitude of longitude of business address are also included. Specific information about healthcare related businesses include the number of beds in nursing homes and in hospitals. A codebook, available...

  • Fitnessgram Data from the New York City Department of Education


    This dataset is student-level administrative data. It is compiled by the New York City Department of Education (DOE) as part of their Fitnessgram program. Fitnessgram is a fitness assessment for students K - 12 in the New York City public schools. As a part of this program, data is collected about student height, weight, fitness level, strength, endurance, and flexibility. Data collection began in...

    Population Characteristics
    Access Rights
    Application Required